Text Giving
We're pleased to announce that you can now give to Restoration Church from any location safely, securely, and quickly using your smart phone. Simply start by sending a text message to the appropriate Text2Give number below including the amount and the fund to which you want to give. If you're tithing, just enter the amount and "tithe" (for example, you message would like like this: 10 tithe)
You can use text giving to give to any of the "funds" or departments you've already seen on our giving envelopes at church.

Text: (304) 205-1050
Available funds:- Tithe
- Offering
- Missions
- Love Offering
- Women of Witness
- Palau Shortwave Radio
- Benevolence
- Building Fund
- Media Ministry
- Ghana Sponsorship
Text: (724) 383-8980
Available funds:- Tithe
- Offering
- Benevolence
- Building Fund
- Love Offering
- Missions
- TV/Radio
- Ghana Sponsorship
- Shortwave Radio
- Women of Witness
The first time you use Text2Give, you'll be asked to register your phone. It's a short process that will only take a few minutes. When you send your first message, you'll get an immediate response with a secure link. Click on that link and complete the registration process. As long as you keep the same mobile number, you'll never have to re-register. In the future, you'll be able to give in just seconds by texting the amount plus fund.
Best of all, this service will connect wtih our current online giving platform. Any donations by text will also appear in your online giving history (if you've created an account).
How do I change my card information for text giving?
Text the word RESET to the Text2Give number.
That will unregister your phone number and card. Then re-sign up like you did initially.